Originally posted on My Old Blog:
“AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!” – Team America, World Police Among the many, many (many) things that separate liberals from conservatives (such as rationality, compassion, tolerance, fairness, but I digress…) is the ability for liberals to look history square in the eye and not flinch. We do not seek to gloss over the…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
Today is the anniversary of the largest act of domestic terrorism in United States history, the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. 168 people were killed, including 19 children. Now here’s the part we’re not supposed to talk about: the bombing was carried…

Originally posted on Summer Solstice Musings:
So do I. Sexual abuse is a horrible thing AT ANY age. But when it’s done to children, I find it particularly despicable. As an MD in my native country, I saw many cases of child sexual abuse. I used to work at a third level hospital and what…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
MSNBC, the “liberal” network gives three hours a morning over to Joe Scarborough, a former Republican Congressperson and it took them years before they dumped hardcore racist and conservative ideologue, Pat Buchanan. Fox, the “fair and balanced” (BWAHAHAHAHAHA!) network finds the weakest liberals they can find or makes sure they are…

Originally posted on CrimeDime:
Trayvon Martin’s death is inextricably bound up in his age, his hoodie, and his race. An older white woman, even in a hoodie, would not have been a likely target for George Zimmerman. But Trayvon, in his youth, his masculinity, and his racial identity as an African-American, fulfilled the stereotype of…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
I don’t get it. I thought the Bush Tax Cuts were supposed to be a temporary measure to goose the economy while we were flush with money from the Clinton years? Isn’t that how Republicans sold it? We have so much money we should give some back and let…