Originally posted on My Old Blog:
And Lo, did Republican Jesus™ come down among the masses and holding his tablet PC, did he give unto his disciples the NEW (and improved) Ten Commandments. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Socialism, out of the house of Communism.” 1.…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
Ever since the crackdowns started, I’ve been wondering about the use of excessive force and all the riot gear. The police have repeatedly beaten, pepper sprayed and tear gassed protesters who have done little more than stand their ground when illegally ordered to stop  exercising  their First Amendment rights.…

Originally posted on stuff southern people like:
Been there, done that? Buy the T Shirt! Never do I feel more Southern than when I say something along the lines of “He was drunk as Cooter Brown” and someone responds with 1. A confused look or 2. “Who is Cooter Brown?” Well, hell, I don’t know…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
I hate conservatives who claim to be “Independent” or “Libertarian” but only vote for conservatives or support only conservative ideals. I’ve got news for these people: You’re a conservative. And you wrecked the country. Suck it up and admit it. Last year, I had friended an acquaintance from college, we’ll call him Dick…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
Not safe for work. Also not safe for conservatives as it might just make them think. Thinking is bad. Fox News said so. Open the link and right click to download the file. I swear I’ll be on iTunes really REALLY soon! Podcast 4-14-2012 In which we discuss Ann…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
There’s a reason liberals look at conservatives like they might be insane. Often, a conservative will say one thing and then, almost immediately, contradict it. Pointing out the contradiction often angers the conservative who then accuses you of either being “stupid” or “twisting their words.” But, because it’s funny…

Originally posted on My Old Blog:
I’ve mentioned it before but I’ll repeat it again: I don’t smoke pot. I’ve never smoked pot and I never will. It doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest. I’ve had contact highs from being in the same room with a bunch of potheads and meh, not impressed. That being…